
A Rabbi Reads the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Read the Bible with rabbi Jonathan Magonet and tap into 2,000 years of Jewish exegesis. Magonet draws on his own creativity as a poet and songwriter to read the biblical text, and uses it as a springboard for exploring the character of biblical personalities. He moves comfortably between the worlds of religious tradition and the questioning of the modern secular person. His skills as a popular...

received it from the author and in turn handed it on. It is a nice reflection of the fact that the Hebrew Bible speaks of ‘history’ as toledot, ‘generations’, the relationship with the past expressed in terms of continuity with remembered ancestors rather than as abstract forces. I mention this problem of accurate transmission because I can think of at least two different sources for the interpretation I just gave about the patriarchs each finding God in their own way—but they were tied to the later
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